Almoayyed International Group's CSR Program
At Almoayyed International Group, we strongly believe that corporate success revolves around building a healthy work environment that promotes the highest regards to ethics toward your colleagues, management, and society.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Almoayyed International Group’s CSR logo titled EMBRACE is the heart of the company’s values and outlines a path within the company and their role in the community. EMBRACE, personifies our commitment to giving back to the community, being role models in our society, efforts to take care of the environment and our devotion to strong work ethics and creating a safe and diverse workplace which seeks the well-being of each and every individual in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Based on these beliefs we are able to derive a CSR program that weaves our long-term corporate goals within our corporate culture, where the change should start from within and used as an example to spread across our society.
The pillars of our CSR program may be highlighted in four main areas, while we ensure that our human capital; our main asset always feels the self-fulfillment derived from being an active part of these pillars. Eventually, we believe that our people are the ambassadors of our beliefs and the best way to spread these beliefs and their benefits to our society.
We Would Love To Hear From You
Please share your ideas and thoughts on our CSR activities so that we can further improve! Thank you.